Friday 30 January 2015

What are Hugs of Kindness?

Welcome! This blog is purely so you’re faith in kindness can be restored. The media always portrays the bad, but you can’t forget that there are also a lot of people that do good things, just because they can. In the hopes that this blog inspires you to also do good for others, without wanting anything in return.

A Hug of Kindness is basically a good deed. Something you do for someone else just to help them out. By sharing these stories I hope this blog inspires you to also give out Hugs of Kindness and if you want, you could share you story by sending it to me and I will put them on this blog. Please make sure you check in every once in a while for new Hugs of Kindness that will put a smile on your face. There is only one rule for this blog: only positive vibes!

Lots of love!

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